Version 5.x support ends June 30, 2017
Support and maintenance for version 5.x will end on June 30, 2017. If you are still running version 5, we recommend you plan a migration, and we will be happy to help should you need any assistance.
#2973: NEW FEATURE - Form Designer.
#3050: UPDATE - It is now possible to set the minutes and seconds for the working hours.
#3012: UPDATE - The administration process request deletion now supports date filtering with one or two dates.
#3047: BUG - Directory Synchronization: A manager account was not found if the username is prefixed and is on a different directory.
#2957: UPDATE - Search and statistics data report performance optimization.
#3028: UPDATE - WorkflowGen now supports French (Switzerland) localization.
#3048: UPDATE - Supports Hungarian date/time format validation.
#3052: UPDATE - Date fields validation and autocomplete behaviour improvement.
#3003, 3038, 3031, 3033, 3051: UPDATE - Security patches.
#3042: BUG - The calculation of the deadline could be wrong when using the working days/hours to calculate the duration.
#3036: BUG - The icon and process name under the New Request section in the homepage were not aligned properly when the process name exceeds some length.
#3040: BUG - It was not possible to disable the graphical follow-up for some supervisors.
#3049: BUG - The webform was using the user’s preferred language for data formatting when an application language is defined.
#3013: BUG - The action follow-up result list was displaying the requester name in the column ‘Participant’ after sorting by a process data column.
#3032: BUG - A request not found error was raised when using the request quick search in mono-process mode.
#3022: BUG - A request not found error was displayed when navigating from a parent to sub request and the portal is filtered by the parent process.
#3030: BUG - An exception error was raised in the search form when switching from a specific process version to a different process.
#3017: BUG - An exception error was raised when completing an action and there a many concurrent users connected on the WorkflowGen server.
#3024: BUG - An exception error was raised when the Workflow engine service logs a XML error string that is over the maximum allowed log entry length.
#3020: BUG - A XML exception error was raised when invoking the GetActivityInstanceList method with the process instance data enabled.