WorkflowGen 5.4.1

Version 5.x support ends June 30, 2017

Support and maintenance for version 5.x will end on June 30, 2017. If you are still running version 5, we recommend you plan a migration, and we will be happy to help should you need any assistance.


  • #3067: UPDATE - In the InstallShield setup, a folder and a process manager are created by default.

  • #3089: UPDATE - Form designer: Section and Field insertion behavior improvement.

  • #3090: UPDATE - Form designer: Section resizing behavior improvement.

  • #3097: UPDATE - Form designer: The comma character is no longer supported in checkbox list and listbox values.

  • #3021: BUG - The graphical workflow designer was displaying a blank screen in Internet Explorer 9 native mode.

  • #3046: BUG - Fixed a process XPDL import issue with Firefox 3 and MSIE 9.

  • #3058: BUG - An ‘ORA-00936’ exception error was raised by the Oracle database when deleting a process using the built-in form.

  • #3083: BUG - Form designer: CSS styles were missing on the label of radio button list and checkbox list tools.

  • #3094: BUG - Form designer: Sometime the current field position was lost when we start dragging a field.

  • #3084: BUG - Form designer: A file exception error was raised when renaming a custom tool template in the ‘Manage custom tools’ dialog.

  • #3085: BUG - Form designer: Default selected values for radio button list and checkbox list were not saved when they are set in the Edit mode.


  • #2612: PERFORMANCE - Performance improvement on the Follow-up search and Statistic reports.

  • #3082: PERFORMANCE - Performance improvement on request deletion.

  • #3059: UPDATE - German resource files update.

  • #3076: UPDATE - The engine trace mode now writes to the /App_Data/LogFiles/Engine folder instead of c:\temp.

  • #3088: UPDATE - The portal trace mode now writes to the /App_Data/LogFiles/Portal folder instead of c:\temp.

  • #2740: BUG - A data lock message was raised when launching a parallel action that was previously started by the same user.

  • #2834: BUG - An ‘Action has already been completed’ exception error was raised during a system action execution when the SMTP server was unreachable.

  • #2846: BUG - A WorkflowGen notification failure exception should not be raised as a critical error that interrupts the current process workflow.

  • #2959: BUG - A request remains open (stuck request) when there is a SMTP connection failure while a system action is trying to send a notification

  • #3057: BUG - A SQL exception error was raised when sorting the action, assignment or team lists by a process data column in mono-process mode.

  • #3098: BUG - Fixed a date/time validation issue in Hungarian format.

  • #3064: BUG - Form designer: Fix a bug for password tool.

  • #3065: BUG - Form designer: Fix a bug on the tooltip for radio button list and checkbox list tools.

  • #3071: BUG - Form designer: Supports the selected item for a nested and bound drop-down list.

  • #3073: BUG - Form designer: Fixed a bug when setting a field as required after it has been set as hidden.