Custom Column (in view) access to User Profile data through javascript

Trying to display fields from the Participants user profile (i.e. department field) as a custom column.

Hi @asullivan78,

The columns in the view can only display data of the form. It does not display participant information.
What you can do is create hidden fields in the form where you can macro IN the participants’ information and OUT the values to a couple of data where you can display them in the view.


Hi Eddy,

We have tried the solution you suggested however we have found the only way to Macro In the participants name is to actually launch the current action. Is there a way to populate a field with participant name even though the current action hasn’t been launched (the action has already been assigned).


Hi @asullivan78,

Definitely - You can use any API (GraphQL, Webhooks, SOAP) to update the process data of a request at any time.

Method UpdateProcessInstance using the SOAP WS:

Method updateRequestDataSet using GraphQL:

You can find an example using that method in this article:

Method updateRequestDataSet using Webhooks:
