Get user information with username

Is there an easy way to get a user’s information (first name, last name, etc) from a workflow application using the username and set some process data variables?


An easy way would be to use GraphQL (only available on WorkflowGen version 7+):

You can test the following query by using the interface GraphIQL in http://YOURSITE/wfgen/graphql:

  user(userName: "eddy") {

Consult the documentation on the right side of the page if you would like to add more fields to the query.

Once you are satisfied with the query, you can send an HTTP request with valid Network Credentials in your workflow application like the following:
http://YOURSITE/wfgen/graphql?query={user(userName: "eddy") {firstNamelastName}}

The response will be a JSON formatted string which will contain the results (first name / last name etc.)

Best Regards,

That is what I am doing. I was hoping on a Workflow Application so that I can add an action in the workflow that would update data variables from the user info.


To update the user info, you can use the SOAP Web Service API that will be called in your custom workflow application:

Best Regards,