WorkflowGenEngineService Error

I keep getting errors in the Event viewer. Every 3 minutes…

One thing to note is that my installation is on the root of the website. My “ApplicationUrl” is something like “

I also noticed that to start the service, I have to change the value of “ApplicationUrl” and add an ‘/’ at the end of the url like this: “”. I have to change it back after because if I don’t, ADFS authentication throws and error.

Running the latest version 7.13.1.

<exception callerId="WorkflowGenEngineService"><source>mscorlib</source><message>Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: length</message><type>System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException</type><stackTrace><![CDATA[   at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
   at Advantys.Workflow.Win.Services.EngineService.ServiceController.LoadConfiguration()
   at Advantys.Workflow.Win.Services.EngineService.CheckTimeLimitService.CheckTimeLimit(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)]]></stackTrace><innerException></innerException></exception>

To expand on this topic, you get the same error when trying to start the service without the end ‘/’ in the ApplicationUrl and you also get this error:

Service cannot be started. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Advantys.Workflow.Win.Services.EngineService.CheckTimeLimitService.OnStart(String args)
at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state)

Here is the issue with ADFS when adding the end ‘/’ in the ApplicationUrl

It looks like the redirect_uri is malformed, add two ‘/’ after the applicationUrl, like this:

Hi Gabriel,

Please open a ticket in our Helpdesk site so we can investigate this issue.
