WorkflowGen 7.15.0


  • Performance (#2549): Performance improvement when using WorkflowGen applicative authentication.

  • Performance (#2532): Performance improvement when retrieving user information.


  • Change (#254): Text datatype process data values no longer have storage and length limitations in MS SQL Server.

    Note: Updated the MS SQL Server database table columns (WFACTIVITY_PARAM.VALUE_TEXT and WFDATASET_VALUE.VALUE_TEXT) datatype to nvarchar (max).


  • Feature (#1966): Added a new button for administrators to restart system actions in time out in the action follow-up form.

  • Feature (#2410): EFORMASPX: Added new EFormAspxAcceptEmptyInputTextParam configuration parameter to enable a form data value to be replaced when the IN data text parameter value is null or empty.

    Note: Set parameter value to Y to enable this behavior.

  • Bug (#2519, #2518): Fixed a display issue in the user settings and profile popup dialogs in the launch action data lock screen.

  • Bug (#2510, #2358): Advanced View: Fixed some invalid help URLs in some gridview popups.

  • Bug (#2479): Advanced View: Fixed an issue where the process data filters were not removed after deleting the filters from the search form.

  • Bug (#2462): Advanced View: Fixed a display issue in the bar chart X axis label.

  • Bug (#2172): Oracle: Fixed an ORA-12704: character set mismatch error in the menu assignment actions list.


  • Feature (#2158): Macro: Added a new function to define custom macros (e.g. WF_APP_SETTING_MyMacro) based on web configuration parameters. For more information about its usage, refer to the Web configuration app settings macros section of the WorkflowGen Administration Guide.

  • Enhancement (#2130): Macro: Added new manager first name and last name macros.

  • Enhancement (#2124): Macro: Added new system GUID macro.

  • Enhancement (#2303): Added JSON file extension support in the process data file editor.

  • Enhancement (#2273): Improved the content displayed using the maximum available width for action parameter name and value columns in the Edit action parameters popup dialog.

  • Change (#2454): Security rule: Prevents a process manager from deleting a process folder assigned to them.

  • Change (#1917): Security rule: Prevents deletion of a sub-process request when it is still linked to a parent request.

Workflow Designer

  • Enhancement (#1963): Changed the canvas zoom interval by scale of 10%.

  • Bug (#2362): Fixed an issue where the CTRL+A key combination inside a Text or Comment element would freeze the web browser.


  • Change (#2135): Remote Approval: Added official support for Exchange Server 2013, 2016, and 2019.

  • Change (#2123): The SMTP server account and Remote Approval incoming server account passwords are no longer encrypted in the web.config.

    Note: Before upgrading an existing WorkflowGen server, you must manually reset the passwords in cleartext for the ApplicationSmtpPassword and RemoteApprovalIncomingServerPassword parameters in the web.config, or use the provided convert-web-config-pwd.ps1 PowerShell script in \wfgen to decrypt and convert the passwords in the web.config.

Workflow Engine

  • Enhancement (#1980): Added new frequency options for the ghost requests deletion feature.

    Note: You can now define the lifespan in EngineServiceInactiveRequestLifespan (default: 3) and the unit in EngineServiceInactiveRequestLifespanUnit (default: d for days) web configuration parameters.

Workflow Applications

  • Feature (#2152, #2278): Added new RESTAPICLIENT workflow application. For more information about its usage, refer to the RESTAPICLIENT Workflow Application section of the WorkflowGen Administration Guide.

  • Enhancement (#2092): SENDHTTPPOST: Added support for new APP_REQUEST_CONTENT_IS_ARRAY IN parameter that converts the JSON request payload to array.

  • Enhancement (#2159): SENDHTTPPOST: Added support for Numeric and Text datatypes for the APP_RESPONSE_STATUS OUT parameter.

  • Enhancement (#2091, #2157): SENDHTTPPOST: Added support for custom HTTP headers.

  • Enhancement (#2326): SENDHTTPPOST: Added support for new SendHttpPostMaxResponseLength configuration parameter to limit the maximum response length.

  • Change (#2151): SENDHTTPPOST: Accepts all 2xx HTTP response status codes as successful response.


  • Change (#2508) The GlobalLists class constructor will now throw an exception when WorkflowGen’s main database source MainDbSource is not found within its current configuration.

Windows Services

  • Performance (#2474): Engine service: Improved actions overdue additional notifications management.

  • Enhancement (#2444, #2369): Overall workflow engine and directory synchronization sevices improvements.

  • Bug (#2501): Remote Approval service: Fixed an issue where the service would stop to process other reply emails when the current reply email had an action that was missing or had an invalid form data file.

  • Bug (#2441): Directory synchronization service: Skipped synchronization for directories that use the Azure SCIM or Self-Provisioning connectors.

GraphQL v2.0.0

  • Version update to 2.0.0. Note: Requires Node.js version 10.15.3 LTS.

  • Feature (#2432): Added Process folder queries and mutations.

  • Feature (#2382): Added Category queries and mutations.

  • Enhancement (#2458): Added support for action completion with new activityName activity name filter for the completeFormAction operation.

  • Enhancement (#2457): Added new activityName filter to the actions fields.

  • Enhancement (#2127): Security: Added a file size limit check when retrieving a file from an external file URL source for mutations that supports file input parameters.

  • Enhancement (#1942): Security: Added new GraphQLInputFileAllowedHttpUrls configuration parameter to limit input file allowed HTTP URLs.

  • Change (#2485, #2455, #2394, #2078, #2400, #1671, #1995, #2027, #2028, #2154, #2141, #2136, #2389, #2153, #1888, #1475): Overall bug fixes and improvements.

  • Change (#2031): The GraphiQL web tool is now disabled by default.

  • Bug (#2262): Oracle: Fixed an ORA-01722: invalid number error when executing the getApplications operation with the isActive filter.

  • Bug (#2193): Oracle: Fixed an ORA-12704: character set mismatch error when executing the getActions operation with the status and subStatuses filters.

Webhooks v4.0.0

  • Version update to 4.0.0. Note: Requires Node.js version 10.15.3 LTS.

  • Feature (#2432): Added Process folder queries and operations.

  • Feature (#2382): Added Category queries and operations.

  • Feature (#2256): Added the UpdateComment mutation.

  • Enhancement (#1942): Security: Added new HooksInputFileAllowedHttpUrls configuration parameter to limit input file allowed HTTP URLs.

  • Bug (#2266): Security rule: Comments operations now enforce participant permissions for current user.

  • Bug (#2263): Security rule: Comments operations now require the request status to be open.

  • Bug (#2314): Security rule: Applications operations now enforce administrator permissions for current user.

  • Bug (#2270): Oracle: Fixed a Dynamic SQL generation failed. No key information found error when executing the createRequest operation.

Auth v1.0.0

  • Version update to 1.0.0. Note: Requires Node.js version 10.15.3 LTS.

SCIM v1.0.0

  • Version update to 1.0.0. Note: Requires Node.js version 10.15.3 LTS.

  • Change (#2048): Added support for double /scim in URLs (this solves a SCIM 2.0 compliance issue found in the Azure AD User Provisioning service).

  • Bug (#2468): Fixed an issue where the SCIM module was unable to create the directory synchronization log folder (e.g. \App_Data\LogFiles\Dir\Synchro).

  • Bug (#2467): Fixed an issue where searching a group using the displayName filter would return all groups instead.


  • All of the Node.js modules (GraphQL v2.0.0, Webhooks v4.0.0, Auth v1.0.0, and SCIM v1.0.0) now require Node.js version 10.15.3 LTS.


  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 is no longer supported as of WorkflowGen version 7.11.0. We recommend migrating to Windows Server 2012 or later.

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is no longer supported as of WorkflowGen version 7.10.0. While SQL Server 2008 is still compatible with WorkflowGen, support for any performance issues or bugs resulting from using SQL Server 2008 will no longer be provided.

    For clients currently hosting WorkflowGen on a database server older than MS SQL Server 2012, we highly recommend upgrading to MS SQL Server 2017 or 2019 for the best performance.

Installation Packs

WorkflowGen 7.15.0 (Upgrade)
WorkflowGen 7.15.0 (Clean Install - PowerShell)
WorkflowGen 7.15.0 (Clean Install - manual)


WorkflowGen 7.15.0 Upgrade Guide
WorkflowGen 7.15.0 Technical Guide
WorkflowGen 7.15.0 Administration Guide
WorkflowGen 7.15.0 User Portal Guide
WorkflowGen 7.15.0 Integration Guide


After doing upgrade from 7.14.6 to 7.15.0 retrieving “hasQuickApproval” value using GraphQL API stopped working.

Query which I use:

viewer {
requests {
  items {
    actions {
      items {
        activity {

Received value is for hasQuickApproval is null, and the error code is following:

“Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.”


Unfortunately, I could not reproduce the issue in 7.15.0. Can you please create a ticket and we’ll investigate further?



Your issue is caused by a collation conflict as it is indicated in the error message. You should change your database collation to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (supported by WorkflowGen). Be aware that the database should be backed-up before doing the manipulations.

Please let us know if this solution fixes the issue.



Despite datatype changes for column VALUE_TEXT in tables WFACTIVITY_PARAM and WFDATASET_VALUE at version 7.15.0, collations for these columns remained Latin1_General_CI_AS
They should change to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS while executing SQL Update Script for version 7.15.0 to hold data integrity.
It caused few issues like errors querying GraphQL API or exporting process data.
Changing the collations manually fixed issues.

7.15.1 SQL update script also doesn’t contain collation change for these columns.

The collation for those columns should already be SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS in your database when it was created initially. That is why the collation change was not necessary. We can improve our script to force the right collation again. Thank you for your suggestion.