WorkflowGen 7.9.0

Official release (March 29, 2018)


  • Performance (#1415, #1426): Improved response time in the process supervisor limited scope feature in mono-process mode.

  • Bug (#1388): Fixed an issue where "Column 'VALUE_[DATATYPE]' does not belong to table WFDATASET_VALUE" would be displayed in the statistics reporting module’s search results when the same process data’s datatype would be changed in different process versions.

  • Bug (#1441): Fixed an issue where 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Must declare the scalar variable "@PARAM_NAME0"' would be displayed in the quick search menu’s search results with a common data in multi-process mode.

  • Bug (#1534): Fixed an issue where the 'Cancelled by' user’s calling card could not be displayed from the request follow-up form.


  • Bug (#1188): Fixed a password saving issue in some of the Administration Module and Configuration Panel pages.

  • Bug (#1513): Fixed an issue where delegations that referenced a delegatee user would not be removed when the delegatee account was deleted or archived.

Form designer

  • Enhancement (#1445): Optimized form styles (Light, Light+, Light green, Dark, and Dark+) for the WorkflowGen mobile application.

Workflow engine

  • Enhancement (#1367, #1492): Improved stability of the JavaScript and VBScript scripting function in action parameters.

  • Enhancement (#1491, #1493): Improved stability of the action’s context creation at runtime.

Web services API

  • Bug (#1470, #1506): Fixed an issue where the application was unable to determine the required current user identity when running in Assembly mode in an IIS web environment. (Similar to previous issue #921.)

  • Bug (#1477): The AddDelegation and UpdateDelegation web methods now check if the delegator is not archived and if the delegatee is operational (active and not archived).

GraphQL v1.0.0-beta.2

  • Version update from 1.0.0-beta.1 to 1.0.0-beta.2

  • Enhancement (#1457): Added new isCommentsEnabled and isDelegationEnabled fields to the server type.

  • Enhancement (#1505): Added new embedUrl field to the view type.

  • Change (#960, #963): Request and action queries with the 'as:SUPERVISOR' filter now return results based solely on the process supervisor role.

  • Change (#1465): Participant associations (users, groups, directories, and coodinators) now return null instead of an empty list when the user does not have access permissions.

  • Change (#1468): Process managers now have access to user and group directories ( and

  • Bug (#1512): Requests and actions now raise an error instead of returning an empty list when the provided filter process name or version did not exist.

Webhooks v3.0.1

  • Version update from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1

  • Enhancement (#1378): The application now returns an HTTP 409 error code for duplicate names when creating or updating users or groups.

  • Bug (#1421): The application now sets new user status based on the directory’s New user default status property when the isActive parameter is not provided.

  • Bug (#1422): The UpdateUser operation now supports a null value in the managerId parameter.

  • Bug (#1449): The CreateDelegation and UpdateDelegation operations now check if the delegator is not archived and if the delegatee is operational (active and not archived).

  • Bug (#1482): The CanAssignUserToAction and AssignAction operations now check if the assignee is operational (active and not archived).

  • Bug (#1522): The CreateRequest operation now checks if a specific input parameter is allowed based on the process data’s IN or INOUT directions.


  • REMINDER: For clients currently hosting WorkflowGen on a database server older than MS SQL Server 2012, we highly recommend upgrading to MS SQL Server 2017 or 2019 for the best performance.

Installation packs

WorkflowGen 7.9.0 (Upgrade)
WorkflowGen 7.9.0 (Clean install - PowerShell)
WorkflowGen 7.9.0 (Clean install - manual)
WorkflowGen.My 4.1.1

Docker image

WorkflowGen Docker image


WorkflowGen 7.9.0 Upgrade Guide
WorkflowGen 7.9.0 Technical Guide
WorkflowGen 7.9.0 Administration Guide
WorkflowGen 7.9.0 User Portal Guide
WorkflowGen Integration Guide