Web Services API: SoapException "Security: You are not authorized to use this web service"

Certain WorkflowGen web service methods require an additional configuration setting to be called by a user.

In the \wfgen\ws\web.config file, edit the following key to authorize WorkflowGen administrators to use the secured web methods:

<add key="ProcessesRuntimeWebServiceAllowedUsers" value="wfgen_admin,MYDOMAIN\myusername" />

The value contains a comma-separated list of usernames.

According to your authentication method, the username must be prefixed by the domain name.

The following web service API methods are secured by this setting:

  • RaiseCancelExceptionOnActivityInstance
  • RaiseCancelExceptionOnActivityInstanceByName
  • RaiseExceptionOnActivityInstance
  • RaiseExceptionOnActivityInstanceByName
  • UpdateProcessInstanceData
  • StartProcess, with the ImpersonateUsername SOAP or GET/POST parameter