The beginning of the process was not found

I created a new process in Workflowgen, I have a problem the beginning of the process is not connected with any action, they give me this error, "The beginning of the process was not found "


Do you have at least one action in your workflow?
Once you create an action, a transition from the beginning point to the action should be created.

Best Regards,

I have actions in my process, but none of its actions is connected with the beginning, plus I would like to connect the beginning with a specific action and not with the new action create.
Best Regards,

Hi Abdel,

Once you insert a new action, the start point gets linked to it by default.
Once you add a transition from one action to that new action, the transition from the start point will be removed.

Best Regards,

Hi Eddy,
Here is an example:
At the beginning, the process start was binding to the action “RENSEIGNER”, but after i lost this link
SO, even when i add a new action, this is what happens to me:

Best Regards,

Hi Abdel,

From what I see, you are using version 5 of WorflowGen which is no longer supported.
This shouldn’t happen. It’s probably a bug in a previous version of WorflowGen.
Kindly upgrade Workflowgen to at least version 6 and let us know if the issue still gets reproduced.

Best Regards,

Hi Eddy,
I use the version WorkflowGen 6.1.6, the problem is that I put a loop between the first action “RENSEIGNER” and the second action.

Best Regards,

Hello Abdel,

The first step in your workflow need just one link in entrance :

It works, thanks to only one link in entrance in step “RENSEIGNER”

When I create link between “TEST2” and “RENSEIGNER” the first link will disappear automatically.


And when I remove link, it works.

So in our process, we need to create a copy of “RENSEIGNER” step like “EDIT_RENSEIGNER”, and when we need to go back to first step, we just go to copied step :



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thanks, for helping me, that’s exactly it, your answer solved my problem

Best Regards,

Hi Eddy,
How i can open a ticket on Helpdesk for next time?

Best Regards,