How to configure the WorkflowGen root website to auto-redirect to the "/wfgen" web app

If you would like your WorkflowGen root website (e.g. https://server) to auto-redirect to the https://server/wfgen web app, follow the procedure below.

Note: As of version 7.15.0, the PowerShell setup comes with this configuration pre-installed on your WorkflowGen server. This procedure is only applicable when installing WorkflowGen manually or upgrading an existing previous WorkflowGen server.

  1. Make sure the URL Rewrite tool is installed on your WorkflowGen server.

  2. Create or update the web.config file in your website’s root folder (e.g. DRIVE:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config).

  3. Define the redirection rule node as shown below (configuration / system.webServer / <rewrite> / <rules> / <rule>):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    <rule name="Root to wfgen" stopProcessing="true">
                        <match url="^$" />
                        <action type="Redirect" url="/wfgen/" />