I tried to follow the schema to use CreateUser mutation. But I have trouble with the syntax and expected arguments. So I want to create a new user in a WFG directory. I have graphQL code like this:
mutation {
createUser(input: {
userName: "test1234",
lastName: "User",
firstName: "Test",
directoryId: 1}
By running that, my graphQL code becomes:
mutation {
createUser(input: {
userName: "test1234",
lastName: "User",
firstName: "Test",
directoryId: 1}
) {
And I got the error saying The ID is invalid
“errors”: [
“message”: “The ID is invalid.”,
“locations”: [
“line”: 2,
“column”: 3
“path”: [
“data”: {
“createUser”: null
When I am about to add a new user, am I supposed to define an ID? I was hoping WFG will create that automatically