WorkflowGen 7.17.0


  • Bug (#2852): Fixed an issue where a web form action would sometimes not complete when PortalActivityCompleteInBackground mode was enabled.


  • Enhancement (#2253): Improved the help text limit for processes and actions.

    • New AdministrationMaxHelpTextSize configuration parameter in the web.config to customize the text limit (default: 10000).
  • Enhancement (#2961): Process participant permissions (Graphical follow-up, Comments, Supervisor's permissions and limited scope query) are now editable when the process is in Active or Archived states.

  • Bug (#2280): Fixed a JavaScript error when displaying the activity report from the user’s profile dialog.


  • Feature (#2875): OIDC authentication: Supports the current user access token in the database for later use with OIDC authentication in GraphQL or third-party APIs.

  • Feature (#2877): OIDC authentication: Supports scopes as reference to multiple audiences in access tokens sent to GraphQL authentication.

    • New ApplicationSecurityAuthAdditionalScopes and ApplicationSecurityAuthGraphQLScope configuration parameters in the web.config.
  • Feature (#2942): OIDC authentication: Supports application roles for client credentials flow in Microsoft Identity Platform v2.0

    • New ApplicationSecurityAuthGraphQLAppRole configuration parameter in the web.config.
  • Bug (#1920): OIDC authentication: Fixed an unmanaged exception error when the application was incorrectly configured in OIDC authentication with one of the valid ApplicationSecurityAuthProvider values.

  • Bug (#2863): WorkflowGen applicative authentication: Fixed an unmanaged exception error when the Authorization header contained an invalid base64 string value.

Form designer

  • Bug (#2800): Fixed a compatibility issue with the AltGr-0 shortcut on AZERTY French and AZERTY Belgian keyboards in MS Internet Explorer and Edge browsers.

Workflow engine

  • Bug (#2845): Fixed an issue where the completeFormAction function would not update all of the form archive fields if the input parameters contained values that referred to fields in different sections.

Directory synchronization service (WorkflowGenDirSyncService)

  • Enhancement (#2667): Improved the initial execution wait time after the service is started.

GraphQL v4.1.0

  • Feature (#634): Added new global and process Participant mutations (create, update and delete).

  • Feature (#2934, #2945): Added new GlobalList queries and mutations (get, create, update and delete).

  • Feature (#2877): OIDC authentication: Supports scopes as reference to multiple audiences in access tokens sent to GraphQL authentication.

  • Feature (#2935): OIDC authentication: Verifies custom scope when GraphQL URI cannot be used.

  • Bug (#2929): Fixed an Object reference exception error when retrieving a participant by a process manager when the manager was not associated to any participants of the process.

  • Bug (#2978): Added missing clientMutationId parameter in the CreateProcessInput, CreateProcessFromXpdlInput, UpdateProcessInput, UpdateProcessFromXpdlInput and CreateProcessFolderInput parameter input objects.

  • Security (#2977): Fixed some vulnerable dependency libraries.

Webhooks v5.3.0

  • Feature (#634): Added new global and process Participant operations (create, update and delete).

  • Feature (#2945): Added new GlobalList operations (create, update and delete).

  • Feature (#2969): Supports new API endpoints based on the OpenAPI v2 specification.

    • /wfgen/hooks/openapi/v2: Hooks operation definitions (OpenAPI v2)
    • /wfgen/hooks/operations/:operation: Executes an operation as described in the Hooks operation definitions
      • :operation: Operation name
      • x-wfgen-hooktoken: Hooks token
  • Bug (#2979): Added missing completeFormAction and deleteRequest operations.

WorkflowGen.My v4.6.0

  • Feature (#2970): OIDC authentication: Added a new CurrentUserAccessToken public method in the WorkflowPage class to retrieve the current user’s access token for use with OIDC authentication in GraphQL or third-party APIs.

  • Enhancement (#2865): Added new optional isPageDataBind Boolean parameter to the BindFormDataToFields method in the WorkflowPage class to skip the default page databind call.

WorkflowGen.My.Web.UI.WebControls v4.6.0

  • Bug (#2160): Fixed an unmanaged exception error when the attachment file path or name was too long.


  • Enhancement (#2855): Added new unique index on the WFPARTICIPANT_MAPTO table to enforce participant association data integrity.

  • Bug (#2836): Increased the size of WFDATASET_VALUE.VALUE_FILE_ORIGINALPATH table column to fix an exception error when completing an action with an attachment file path over the size limit of 255 characters.

  • Bug (#2984): Fixed an encoding issue in the Create_WFG-V7-0_SQL_Const.sql database creation script file where some invalid French characters were inserted into some tables when using the WorkflowGen PowerShell setup.


  • All of the Node.js modules (GraphQL v4.1.0, Webhooks v5.3.0, Auth v2.2.0, and SCIM v2.0.1) now require Node.js version 10.18.1 LTS.


  • Oracle database is no longer supported as of WorkflowGen version 7.16.0. We recommend migrating to MS SQL Server 2017 or later.

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 is no longer supported as of WorkflowGen version 7.11.0. We recommend migrating to Windows Server 2016 or later.

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is no longer supported as of WorkflowGen version 7.10.0. While SQL Server 2008 is still compatible with WorkflowGen, support for any performance issues or bugs resulting from using SQL Server 2008 will no longer be provided.

    For clients currently hosting WorkflowGen on a database server older than MS SQL Server 2012, we highly recommend upgrading to MS SQL Server 2017 or 2019 for the best performance.

Installation Packs

WorkflowGen 7.17.0 (Upgrade)
WorkflowGen 7.17.0 (Clean Install - PowerShell)
WorkflowGen 7.17.0 (Clean Install - manual)


WorkflowGen 7.17.0 Upgrade Guide: English - Français
WorkflowGen 7.17.0 PowerShell Installation: English - Français
WorkflowGen 7.17.0 Manual Installation: English - Français
WorkflowGen 7.17.0 Technical Guide: English - Français
WorkflowGen 7.17.0 Administration Guide: English - Français
WorkflowGen 7.17.0 User Portal Guide: English - Français
WorkflowGen 7.17.0 Integration Guide: English
WorkflowGen for Azure: English - Français
WorkflowGen for Docker: English - Français
WorkflowGen documentation: English - Français