Workflow Application: STARTPROCESS usage

The STARTPROCESS workflow application lets you launch a new request with the corresponding parameters. It provides a simple solution for inter-process communications.

There are three ways to use STARTPROCESS to launch a new request:

  • Process ID

  • Process name with process version

  • Process name with test

Process parameters

Parameter Type Direction Description
PROCESS_ID Numeric IN Process ID of the request to launch (to be used independently, without the other parameters)
PROCESS_NAME Text IN Process name of the request to launch
PROCESS_VERSION Numeric IN Version of the process to launch
TEST Text IN Test mode: Y (launch a test version) or N (launch the active version)

Optional parameters

Parameter Type Direction Description
REQUEST_ID Numeric OUT Returns the ID of the new request
IMPERSONATE_USERNAME Text IN Username of the impersonating user

You can define other parameters as needed in the workflow process to launch; for example COMPANY (text type IN parameter), e.g. ACME_COMPANY .


Process ID

Parameter Type Direction Description
PROCESS_ID Numeric IN Send value of MY_PROCESS_ID (a numeric process data containing the ID of the process to start, e.g. 1320 )

Process name with process version

Parameter Type Direction Description
PROCESS_NAME Text IN Send value of MY_PROCESS_NAME (a text process data containing the name of the process to start, e.g. LEAVE_APPLICATION )
PROCESS_VERSION Numeric IN Send value of MY_PROCESS_VERSION (a numeric process data containing the version number of the process to start, e.g. 2 )

Process name with test

Parameter Type Direction Description
PROCESS_NAME Text IN Send value of MY_PROCESS_NAME (a text process data containing the name of the process to start, e.g. LEAVE_APPLICATION )
TEST Text IN Send value of MY_TEST (e.g. Y )