Workflow Application: SENDMESSAGE usage

The SENDMESSAGE workflow application lets users send SMS notifications using the Twilio SMS platform. To use SENDMESSAGE, you’ll first need to set up a Twilio account at

In this tutorial, we’ll configure WorkflowGen to use Twilio, then add fields to a form that will let users send SMS messages.

  1. In the Administration Module, click the gear icon to open the Configuration Panel.

  2. In the Instant messaging section on the General tab, enter your Twilio Account SID, Auth Token, and Sender number.

    Note: You can configure these parameters directly in individual SENDMESSAGE actions; in this case, these will override any corresponding values set in the Configuration Panel.

  3. Check Logs if you want to enable message logging.

  4. In the Form Designer, add two TextBox fields: one for the message body (the BODY parameter) and one for the recipient’s phone number (the TO parameter).

  5. On the Mapping tab, create the OUT values for the message body and the recipient’s phone number.

  6. In the Workflow Designer, add a SENDMESSAGE action to your process.

  7. On the Parameters tab in the Edit action panel, set the values of the BODY and TO parameters as the corresponding data you created for the message body and the recipient’s phone number.

  8. You can add optional parameters on the Parameters tab by clicking the + in the Additional parameters section (see the Optional parameters table below), then mapping their values in the Form Designer.

    Note: If you add ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN, and/or FROM parameters here, these values will override any corresponding values set in the Configuration Panel.

Required parameters

Parameter                                    Type       Direction Description
BODY Text IN Message text
TO Text IN Recipient’s phone number, which must contain the country code (using a + before the country code is optional, e.g. +15551234567)

Optional parameters

Parameter                                    Type       Direction Description
ACCOUNT_SID Text IN Account security identifier *
AUTH_TOKEN Text IN Account authentication token *
FROM Text IN Sender’s phone number, which must contain the country code (using a + before the country code is optional, e.g. +15551234567) *
MESSAGE_SID Text OUT Alphanumeric code returned to identify successfully sent messages; for more information, see
ERROR_MESSSAGE Text OUT Message returned in case of error; for a list of Twilio error messages and codes, see
ERROR_CODE Text OUT Error code returned in case of error; for a list of Twilio error messages and codes, see

* These parameters must be associated to a Twilio account.