Workflow Application: RAISEEXCEPTION usage

The RAISEEXCEPTION workflow application raises the cancel exceptions on specified actions, as controlled by the action cancellation workflow exception in the conditions definition panel.

For more information, including a list of possible execution errors, see the RAISEEXCEPTION Workflow Application section in the WorkflowGen Administration Guide.

Default parameters

The REQUEST_ID and ACTIVITY_NAME parameters must always be used together.

Parameter Type Direction Description
REQUEST_ID Numeric IN ID of the request where the action will be cancelled
ACTIVITY_NAME Text IN Name of the action that will be cancelled


‌In this example, the application will cancel all instances of the PENDING_ACTION action in request 455 :

REQUEST_ID = 455  

Optional parameters

The REQUEST_ID_LIST and ACTIVITY_NAME_LIST parameters must always be used together.

Parameter Type Direction Description
REQUEST_ID_LIST TEXT IN List of request IDs where the action will be cancelled
ACTIVITY_NAME_LIST TEXT IN List of action names that will be cancelled
USERNAME TEXT IN Used to set the username used to cancel the action
  • This username must be part of a participant of the process.
  • If this parameter is not specified then the account used is the one defined as the Workflow engine service default identity in the Configuration Panel
PASSWORD TEXT IN Used to set the password corresponding to the username used to cancel the action
EXCEPTION_NAME Text IN Exception that will be triggered on the action (CANCEL, ERROR, TIMEOUT, ASSIGNMENT_ERROR)
EXCEPTION_MESSAGE Text IN Used with the ERROR exception name to provide more details about the error in the follow-up action


In this example, the application will cancel all the instances of the actions PENDING_ACTION1 and PENDING_ACTION2 in each of requests 445 , 446 , and 447 :

REQUEST_ID_LIST = "455, 456, 457"  

In this example, the application will cancel all the instances of the action named PENDING_ACTION in request 445 on behalf of John Doe ( jdoe ):

REQUEST_ID = "455"
USERNAME = "jdoe"
PASSWORD = "1234"

Additional parameters

Parameter Type Direction Description
EX?_REQUEST_ID Numeric IN Indicates the ID of the request where the action will be cancelled for the pair specified by the ? (question mark)
EX?_ACTIVITY_NAME Text IN Indicates the name of the action that will be cancelled for the pair specified by the ? (question mark)
IGNORE_NOTHINGTODO_ERROR Text IN Ignore Nothing to do error

By default, RAISE_EXCEPTION returns an error if you try to cancel an action that doesn’t have any open instantiation. If you set this parameter value to Y , the application will ignore this type of error.


In this example, the application will cancel all instances of the PENDING_ACTION1 action in request 455 and all instantiations of the PENDING_ACTION2 action in request 456 . If actions 455 and 456 have no instance then no error is raised.