Workflow Application: OPENAITRANSCRIPTION usage


The OPENAITRANSCRIPTION workflow application lets you interact with an OpenAI audio model to transcribe an audio file.

Required parameter

Parameter Type Direction Description
FILE FILE IN The audio file to transcribe

Optional parameters

Parameter Type Direction Description
By default, this value comes from the OpenAiApiKey parameter in the web.config file.
URL TEXT IN API endpoint
MODEL TEXT IN ID of the model to use
Default: whisper-1
TEMPERATURE NUMERIC IN Sampling temperature, between 0 and 1
Default: 1
Higher values (e.g. 0.8 ) will make the output more random, while lower values (e.g. 0.2 ) will make it more focused and deterministic.
LANGUAGE TEXT IN The language of the input audio
Supplying the input language in ISO-639-1 format will improve accuracy and latency.
PROMPT TEXT IN Optional text to guide the model’s style or continue a previous audio segment; the prompt should match the audio language
VERBOSE_OUTPUT TEXT IN Specifies (Y or N) if the output should be verbose
Default: N
WORDS_OUTPUT TEXT IN Specifies (Y or N) if the verbose output should include detailed words
Default: N
RESULT_WORDS_SEPARATOR TEXT IN Separator used to separate the word list
Default: , (comma)
APP_RESPONSE_IGNORE_ERROR TEXT IN Specifies (Y or N) if errors should be ignored
Default: N
In case of error, if the parameter has Y as its value, the error will be ignored and defined OUT parameters (APP_RESPONSE_STATUS or APP_RESPONSE_CONTENT ) will be mapped. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
TEXT TEXT OUT The transcription text
RESULT TEXT OUT The transcription result call
RESULT_DURATION TEXT OUT Audio duration (only if verbose)
RESULT_WORDS TEXT OUT Transcription words separated by RESULT_WORDS_SEPARATOR (only if word output and verbose enabled)
RESULT_WORDS_COUNT NUMERIC OUT Transcription word count (only if word output and verbose enabled)
RESULT_LANGUAGE TEXT OUT Transcription language (only if verbose)
APP_RESPONSE_CONTENT TEXT OUT Response payload or error message