Receiving an Error 5000: Unable to open a connection to the database....SQL Server does not exist or access denied

If you receive this error, try the following:

  1. In the Administration Module, open the Configuration Panel (http://[YOURSERVER]/wfgen/admin/config.aspx).

  2. In the Database section on the General tab, add the connection string to the Master database connection string field.

  3. Click Test.

If the connection string doesn’t work, check the following:

  • Is the SQL Server a local or remote machine from the web server?

    • Make sure that the SQL Server is accessible from the web server.

    • Make sure that the SQL Server allows remote access.

  • In the SQL Server management environment:

    • Check if the username has been granted DATAREADER and DATAWRITER privileges on the WorkflowGen database.

    • Check that the user account and password in the connection string are valid.

  • Test the connection with an SA account.

    • Check that the SA account and password in the connection string are valid.
  • Make sure that the paths to the specified SQL Server data and log files are valid and local to the SQL Server.