Is it possible to localize the description of a data variable?
If you have a form in multiple languages, the process page will always show the data with whatever the description for the data variable is. It would be nice that it would grab the description for the specific language the user is in.
For example, if I have a variable called FIRST_NAME with description “First Name”, even if the user’s language is French, the user will see “First Name” instead of the translated value “Prénom”.
WorkflowGen doesn’t do that by default. You have to go to the form configuration -> translations and put the respective translation for each language. You simply have to remove those translations in order to achieve what you need.
If that’s not the case, kindly open a ticket in our Helpdesk system and we’ll investigate the issue.
I am not sure I understand what you mean when you say “You have to go to the form configuration -> translations and put the respective translation for each language. You simply have to remove those translations in order to achieve what you need.”
Just to be clear, I am not talking about a label on the form. I am talking about the process instance page from the WorkflowGen portal. That page shows the data variables in a table with the description -> value. On that page, the description is not translated.
The system doesn’t change the data variable names when a different language is selected.
The only thing that changes is when you generate a form from a template:
If the language is set to French -> the system generates the french version of that template which will contain IDs written in French.
But once the form is generated and saved, the data variables’ name and description do not change.
I don’t think you understand. Here is a screenshot of the page I am talking about. Look how the “First Name” and “Last Name” is in English even though the user’s language is in French. Is there a way to translate those?
Like mentioned; The system doesn’t change the data variable names (description) when a different language is selected. Only one description is allowed per data.
If you want you can call the description: “First Name / Prénom”.
Note that this only shows up in the follow-up form and Advanced view.
It also shows up in the email which is the worst. It would be a nice feature to add in a future version? For us, this has been an issue for years. Users complain about this all the time.
What if you have 4 languages, you cannot keep adding " / " in the description, it just looks messy.
Any update on this feature? The “/” is not cutting it and the 2nd language often gets cut off by the column width. It is causing confusion with users thinking their language preferences are not working.
Notifications (email)
Search filter dropdowns
Process dropdowns
Activity dropdowns
Data filter dropdowns
The workflow swim lanes and activities
The columns in the dashboard (Home)
The list goes on… These descriptions are pretty much everywhere.
Not only it looks really bad, it is very confusing for the users.
We need to be able to translate all descriptions. Here is a list off the top of my head: