How to send notifications to users who are not actors in a process

WorkflowGen’s email notifications feature is very flexible. You can have notifications automatically sent to actors in a process upon specific events, but you can also configure additional notifications to people who aren’t designated as actors in a process.

In this article, we’ll show two ways to create form fields to send this kind of notification: using a text box, or using a drop-down list or list box. With a text box, the user can manually enter an email address or multiple email addresses separated by commas or semicolons; with a drop-down list or list box, the user can select from predetermined email addresses or groups of email addresses, such as to send a notification email to everyone in a specific department. (Note that a drop-down list allows only one selection, while a list box allows multiple selections by holding down the SHIFT or CTRL key.)

  1. In the Form Designer, add a text box, a drop-down list, or a list box to your form. Here, we'll label this field Email.
  2. If you're using a drop-down list or list box, configure the email addresses for the selections that will appear in the list. You can add email addresses to the list values directly in the Form Designer, or databind email addresses from a database or a global list.
  3. On the Mapping tab, map the field to generate a process data. We'll call this data REQUEST_EMAIL.
  4. Once the process data is created, add a new notification to your workflow. To do this:
    1. In the Workflow Designer, double-click on the action to open the Edit action panel.
    2. On the Notifications tab, click the + in the Additional section to add a notification.
    3. Define the event upon which the notification will be sent. Here, we'll use Closed to send a notification when the request is closed.
    4. Under Email addresses contained in the data in the Recipients drop-down list, select the process data you created for the notification (REQUEST_EMAIL in our example).
    5. If you want, you can select a notification email template other than the default one and/or define a condition to determine when to send the notification.
