How to reassign an action to a user if it was incorrectly assigned to the wrong person

To reassign an action, you must:

  • Belong to a participant and have the process supervisor role, with the Reassign actions permission enabled for the process that requires the action reassignment


  • Be a process/folder manager for the process requiring an action reassignment


  • Be designated as a WorkflowGen Administrator from within your user profile.

To reassign the action, do the following:

  1. Log in to the User Portal.

  2. Perform a follow-up search for the request number in question.

  3. Once the request has been found, select the action requiring reassignment.

  4. A list of possible users that this action can be reassigned to will be presented. Select a user to reassign the action to. The selected user will automatically receive an email indicating the action has been assigned to them.

    Note: If the list appears empty, it is because there are too many users to display. Instead, you will be prompted with a search field.

  5. Enter your search criteria (e.g. John) and click OK.

  6. From the results list, select a user to reassign the action to.

The selected user will automatically receive an email indicating the action has been assigned to them.