Dynamic Approval - All participant members


I have a situation where all members of a participant group need to approve a form to allow it to progress. I am aware that you can assign an action to each member of the participant, but I am not sure how to capture the approval separately. The goal here is to allow as many approvals as there are board members - which may/will change over time.

Currently I am thinking of trying to do this using a gridview control that each member puts their approval into, but I don’t see an easy method for then using this in the logic of the form. I would like to avoid using .net code where possible. I assume that having fields that are written to a new line in the Grid and then having separate code to then compare a “decision” field to the submitted decision may work.

I assume that this would also be a constraint when there are multiple actors for a single process step and then trying to reconcile that all recipients have performed the action successfully.
