- #161: UPDATE - FORM_FIELDS_READONLY behaviour rollback to version 2.2.0 and improvements.
Rollback to behaviour version 2.2.0: Only TextBox, RadioButton, RadioButtonList, CheckBox, CheckBoxList, DropDownList, ListBox, ListBox, Gridview and HtmlInputFile (plus WorkflowFileUpload and Label) are now read-only when using the wildcard (*) expression.
WorkflowFileUpload and Label with class name “FieldCaptionLabel” or “FieldValueInput” are now supported (used by form designer).
Gridviews are now disabled instead of hidden.
#160: BUG - The column name was missing in the gridview’s column required message.
#162: BUG - WorkflowFileUpload: The control was still active in the form archive.