WorkflowGen 8.2.0


  • Change (#3677, #3718): Updated to the latest jQuery v3.6.3 and jQuery UI v1.13.2 JavaScript libraries.

  • Change (#3705): Updated to the latest Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.2 .NET libraries.

    Notes: You must update the bindingRedirect node in all the affected configuration files (listed below) from <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> to <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />:

    • \wfgen\web.config
    • \wfgen\ws\web.config
    • \Program Files\Advantys\WorkflowGen\Services\bin\WfgWorkflowEngineService.exe.config
    • \Program Files\nodejs\node.exe.config
  • Bug (#3703): Fixed an issue in the webforms upgrade script for v7 (i.e. upgrade/from-vX.X-to-v8/update-webforms-wfg-my-assembly.ps1) where webforms containing some unicode/international characters were saved with invalid characters due to incorrect UTF-8 encoding.


  • Enhancement (#3742): Added a new option to keep assigned team actions in the team actions list when the action is assigned to another member. Also, the assigned team action can now be relaunched by another member from the action follow-up form.

    Note: Set the <add key="PortalDisplayAssignedTeamAction" value="N" /> parameter in the main \wfgen\web.config file to Y in order to enable this new behavior.

  • Bug (#3746): Fixed an issue where the request launch confirmation popup dialog was misaligned in the homepage in Firefox.


  • Enhancement (#3738): Removed the 255-character limit for the users’ extended attributes columns (e.g. USERS.EXTATT_X).

    Note: The Update_WFG-V8-2-0.sql database upgrade script must be applied when upgrading.

  • Bug (#3728): Global lists: Fixed an issue in the export function where some special characters (such as &, <, >, etc.) were still encoded in the CSV output file.

Configuration panel

  • Bug (#3741): Fixed an issue in the product information tab where the license expiration date was not displayed when the license mode is per user.

Workflow Engine

  • Bug (#3714): Fixed an issue where a webform action was unable to complete when some fields to update were not found in the form archive HTML when using the completeFormAction (GraphQL/Hooks) or CompleteWebFormActivityInstance (SOAP) web methods.

  • Bug (#3726): Fixed an issue where the selected value of drop-down list controls were incorrectly set in the form archive HTML when using the completeFormAction (GraphQL/Hooks) or CompleteWebFormActivityInstance (SOAP) web methods.

  • Bug (#3721): Fixed an issue in the email notification logs function where all the entries (e.g. errors and non-errors) were logged when the notification log level was set to 1 - Errors only.

Workflow Applications

  • Bug (#3731): EXECSQL: Fixed a type casting exception error when returning a DBNull value as a string from the SQL query result.

  • Bug (#3743): DOCUSIGN: Fixed an issue where the filename of the document to sign was displayed with the WorkflowGen internal file ID instead of the original filename in the DocuSign notification.

  • Bug (#3748): RESTAPICLIENT and JSONTODATA: Fixed a Input string was not in a correct format. exception error when retrieving an invalid (e.g. not found, null or not the same type) numeric or datetime field value using JSON path.


  • Bug (#3695): Fixed an issue in the startInteractiveAction operation where a System.InvalidOperationException: The action does not exist exception error was raised when starting an action by passing the activityName parameter.


  • Enhancement (#3747): Added a new option to support user impersonation for all the operations by passing the x-wfgen-impersonate-username and x-wfgen-hooks-api-key parameters in the header of the HTTP request.

    Notes: Add the following configuration parameters to the main \wfgen\web.config

    • <add key="HooksAllowImpersonateUser" value="N" />: Set to Y in order to enable user impersonation.
    • <add key="HooksApiKeyEnabled" value="N" />: Set to Y in order to enable api key.
    • <add key="HooksApiKey" value="" />: Set a strong custom secret value.
    • The 3 parameters above must be enabled and set in order to support user impersonation in webhooks.


    • The value of x-wfgen-hooks-api-key in the request header should match the HooksApiKey’s value in the web.config.
    • x-wfgen-impersonate-username should contain a valid username of the person to impersonate in WorkflowGen.

Node.js apps (GraphQL, Webhooks, Auth and SCIM)

  • Change (#3712): Node.js 14.21.2 LTS version update.

    Note: Install the latest Node.js v14.21.2 LTS on the WorkflowGen server.

  • Updated Node.js vulnerable dependencies.


  • All of the Node.js modules (GraphQL v5.1.4, Webhooks v6.1.3, Auth v3.0.10, and SCIM v3.0.9) now require Node.js version 14.21.2 LTS.

  • Please refer to all the WorkflowGen release notes (8.0.0, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.0.3, 8.1.2, 8.1.3) for all the new features and changes in the new version 8.2

Installation Packs

WorkflowGen 8.2.0 (Upgrade)
WorkflowGen 8.2.0 (Clean Install - PowerShell)
WorkflowGen 8.2.0 (Clean Install - manual)


WorkflowGen 8.2.0 Upgrade Guide: English - Français
WorkflowGen 8.2 PowerShell Installation: English - Français
WorkflowGen 8.2 Manual Installation: English - Français
WorkflowGen 8.2 Technical Guide: English - Français
WorkflowGen 8.2 Administration Guide: English - Français
WorkflowGen 8.2 User Portal Guide: English - Français
WorkflowGen 8.2 Integration Guide: English
WorkflowGen 8.2 for Azure: English - Français
WorkflowGen 8.x for Docker: English - Français
WorkflowGen Documentation: English - Français