Web Services API: Assignment management

Since version 5.6.4, the following web methods are available:

  • AssignActivityInstance

  • CanAssignActivityInstance

  • CanAssignUserToActivityInstance

  • CancelActivityInstanceAssignment

  • CanCancelActivityInstanceAssignment

  • GetActivityInstanceAssignableUsersList

The parameters of these web methods are:

  • processInstanceId: The request ID

  • activityInstanceId: The action ID

  • isSuperUserMode: A Boolean to indicate if the operation has to be done as a super user (admin, folder manager or supervisor with the required rights).

For the GetActivityInstanceAssignableUsersList web method, you can use an optional SOAP header or name querystring parameter to filter the list of users by name.

The user identity which calls the web method is used to check the usage rights.

As with other web methods, the impersonateUsername and delegateUsername` optional parameters are supported.