How to Improve WorkflowGen performance

There are several things you can do to improve WorkflowGen performance.

  • Use the local IIS SMTP server to manage WorkflowGen notifications (see the SMTP Notifications section in the WorkflowGen Technical Guide for more information).

  • Check that the SMTP server name is quickly resolved by your DNS. If not, use an IP address or localhost if you are using a local SMTP server.

  • Install the database server (SQL or Oracle) on a different machine than the web server

  • Limit the amount of process data by keeping only data used in conditions, important to display, and used as search criteria.

  • Limit the number of results returned in User Portal lists to 50. To change this setting, open the Configuration Panel and set the Number of records per page displayed in lists on the Portal tab.

  • Limit the number of results returned on the User Portal home page to 50. To change this setting, open the Configuration Panel and set the Maximum number of records displayed in lists on the Portal tab.

  • Configure WorkflowGen so that when the end-user completes an action, they are not automatically returned to the User Portal home page. To change this setting, open the Configuration Panel and set the When an action is completed to an option other than the various Display the homepage options.

  • If you are using the Portlet module, add a caching system when integrating your User Portal.

  • If you have a large number of requests and users, it’s a good idea to replicate your WorkflowGen database on another server for your statistics and reports to reduce strain on the production server

  • Only synchronize potentially active users and groups with WorkflowGen. Use the Text connector to synchronize filtered lists of users and group (see Text connector in the WorkflowGen Administration Guide for more information).

  • Check the performance of your web services and other integration queries (such as SQL queries, function calls, and proceeding).

  • Deactivate the Comments feature if not needed. To do this, open the Configuration Panel and uncheck Activate portal comments on the Portal tab.