Having Trouble Integrating Web API Based on Sample Code


I’ve reviewed the sample code provided for the Web API integration but I’m having some trouble with some basic things that may be due to changes in the product versus when the documentation/post was made.

I wanted to first use the example of connecting and starting a workflow request. In particular, I was mimicking the code and actions listed in: How to invoke a WorkflowGen API using .NET code but I get different object properties from the ProcessRuntime.ASMX web service object.

In particular, there is no: RuntimeService() object defined but RuntimeServiceSoap() and RuntimeServiceSoapClient(). When I instantiate it, I used the RuntimeServiceSoapClient() object but there is no ClientCredentials to pass through to the web service. I am using the latest version of 7.x.

I understand how to use web services but I’m getting confused by some of the documentation and posts on the forum. Is there anyway you could supply an example or tell me what I’m doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.


You have probably created a Service Reference instead of Web Reference

The service reference is the latest interface for adding references to all manner of WCF services (they may not be web services) whereas Web reference is specifically concerned with ASMX web references.

How to Add a Web Reference in Visual Studio:

1- In the Solution Explorer Right Click on References -> Add Service Reference…

2- The Add Service Reference popup will open. Click on Advanced…

3- Then click on Add Web Reference…

4- Add the URL of the ProcessesRuntime.asmx file in the URL bar. You will be asked for the credentials to access the file then you should be all set.

Let me know if this helps,

Hi Eddy,

That’s exactly what I did - thank you and now I feel stupid.