Change session timeout settings in IIS or Workflow Gen configuration?

Are session timeout settings based on IIS settings or is there a Workflow Gen configuration setting?

Thank you,


Hi James,

There are two types of sessions that can be used with WorkflowGen:

1- ASP.NET sessions: which are independent of WorkflowGen. WorkflowGen is sessionless by default but that can be modified directly in the web.config by setting the configuration enableSessionState to “true”. More session options can be found in the IIS Manager UI under the Session State feature.

2- User sessions managed by WorkflowGen: The purpose of a user session is to provide a logout feature when applicative mode is used (anonymous authentication). You can set the timeout in the configuration ApplicationSessionTimeOut configuration located in the web.config file.

Let me know if this answers your question.


Hi Eddy,

Your response does answer my question.

To make sure I understand, if we have not modified the web.config file(s) as you discuss above, would the IIS setting be the default at least in regards to a time limit? We had a user report that a session timed out after five minutes but our IIS setting is for twenty minutes.

Thank you,


Hi James,

If the web.config is not modified, the application should be sessionless by default.


Hi Eddy,

Will WorkflowGen automatically signout the user if the value of ApplicationSessionTimeOut is set to something greater than 0?

What is the point of putting 30 minutes here if WorkflowGen is Sessionless?

Hi @ParadimeWeb,

The configuration ApplicationSessionTimeOut is only useful when you are authenticating with WorkflowGen applicative authentication. In this case, user sessions are managed by WorkflowGen.
