WorkflowGen 7.12.1

Important known issues

  • We have recently identified some regression bugs (#1907, #1950 and #2073) in this release that could affect the normal execution of workflow actions and the directory synchronization service with the Active Directory and LDAP connectors when the directory uses a login configured with AES (FIPS compliant) or Version 5 (Legacy) password management mode with an Encryption key.

    These known issues have already been fixed in the latest release.

    If you have already upgraded your WorkflowGen to version 7.12.1 or planning to upgrade a previous version then we recommend installing version 7.14.1

  • WorkflowGen OpenID Connect authentication configuration issue.


  • Bug (#1883): Added a missing logout button in the portal navigation bar when configured with the AD FS authentication mode.

Configuration panel

  • Bug (#1835): Added support for the hyphen character (-) in the SMTP username input field.

Workflow engine

  • Bug (#1895): Fixed a regression issue that was introduced in version 7.12.0 where a data containing a null value would cause a workflow exception when used as a IN action parameter at runtime (related to #1489).

GraphQL v1.0.0-beta.8

  • Version update to 1.0.0-beta.8

Webhooks v3.3.1

  • Version update to 3.3.1


  • You must run the Databases\MsSQLServer\Update_WFG-V7-12-0.sql upgrade script if your WorkflowGen is hosted on SQL Server when upgrading from version 7.11.2 and earlier. See the database changes in the release note of version 7.12.0

  • All of the Node.js modules (GraphQL v1.0.0-beta.8, Webhooks v3.3.1, Auth v1.0.0-beta.5, and SCIM v1.0.0-beta.2) now require Node.js version 8.11.3.


  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 is no longer supported as of WorkflowGen version 7.11.0. We recommend migrating to Windows Server 2012 or later.

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is no longer supported as of WorkflowGen version 7.10.0. While SQL Server 2008 is still compatible with WorkflowGen, support for any performance issues or bugs resulting from using SQL Server 2008 will no longer be provided.

    For clients currently hosting WorkflowGen on a database server older than MS SQL Server 2012, we highly recommend upgrading to MS SQL Server 2017 or 2019 for the best performance.


WorkflowGen 7.12.0 Technical Guide
WorkflowGen 7.12.0 Administration Guide
WorkflowGen 7.12.0 User Portal Guide
WorkflowGen Integration Guide