User receives a security access error to the portal when the Windows login name does not match the casing of the username in WorkflowGen database


User receives the following User Portal security access error when the Windows login name does not match the casing of the username in WorkflowGen database:

.Net SqlClient Data Provider: Invalid column name 'RES'


The database is configured to be case sensitive, which is not supported by WorkflowGen.



The NLS_COMP and NLS_SORT variables must be changed to support case insensitive.

SQL> alter session set NLS_COMP = ANSI;
SQL> alter session set NLS_SORT = BINARY_AI;

SQL Server

The database instance’s collation must be changed to support case insensitive.

Environment variables

As well, the following environment variables should be added to the web server:



Once completed, restart IIS. Then, open a command prompt and enter:

iisreset /noforce