.NET 2.0 - An "http 404 - File not found" error message is returned when accessing WorkflowGen portal or administration modules through a web browser


  • A 404 - File not found error message was returned when accessing WorkflowGen v5.x Portal or Administration modules through a web browser.

  • When verifying the IIS logs for the specific request, it indicates a 404.2 error. By default, IIS log files are located in DRIVE:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\Logfiles\W3SVCX\exYYMMDD.log.


  1. ASP.NET v2.0 is not registered with IIS 6.0

  2. ASP.NET v2.0 Web Service Extension is not enabled in IIS 6.0

Solution 1

Register ASP.NET v2.0 with IIS by using the Framework tool as follows:

  1. Open a command line window.

  2. Execute DRIVE:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis -i

  3. Restart the IIS service.


Solution 2

  1. Open IIS Manager and navigate to to Internet Information Services (IIS) manager > Server name > Web Service Extensions.

  2. Select ASP.NET v.2.0.x, then click Allow.
